SHOCKING moment 33-ton Shark tank burst in shopping centre injuring 15 people

This is the shocking moment a 33-ton glass shark tank suddenly burst leaving 15 people injured by flying shards of broken glass and a torrent of water. The tank was an attraction at the entrance to the Shanghai Orient shopping centre in China's second city when it shattered without warning on December 19. Eight of those hurt were customers and the rest were shop assistants and security staff. They mostly suffered deep cuts and bruises from sheets of broken glass. A police spokesman said: 'There were lots of injuries caused by flying glass, some of them serious because the glass was so thick. We are investigating what caused this.' Three lemon sharks and dozens of turtles and smaller fish, which were housed in the aquarium, were also victims of the accident that was caught on CCTV.
Të paktën 16 persona janë plagosur pas shpërthimit të një akuarium peshkaqenesh prej 33 tonesh në hyrje te qendres tregtare Shangai Orient, në Kinë. Tetë nga te lenduarit ishin kliente, ndersa pjesa tjeter shites dhe personel i sigurise. "Pati shume te plagosur dhe disa kane marre plage serioze per shkak se xhami ishte shume i trashe. eshte nisur nje hetim per te percaktuar shkakun e incidentit, por paraprakisht mendohet se arsyeja mund te kete qete fakti qe materiali i perdorur per prodhimin e akuariumit, nuk i rezistoi temperatures se ulet", tha Shen Wiizhong, Byroja për Sigurinë në Shangai.

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