Skeletons of theStone Age in the Sahara desert

stone-age-skeleton Archaeologists have discovered 20 skeletons of the Pleistocene in the Sahara desert. Found skeletons dating between 8000 and 4200 years ago, which means that the burial site has been used for millennia. "It must have been a place of remembrance." Said study co-author Mary Anne Tafuri, an archaeologist at the University of Cambridge. "People kept this site eshe to the passage of time, and have been buried there, their people, generation after generation." About 15 women and children were buried in the shelter of stone, while the five young men were buried under huge ngrumbuj carver called tumuli outside housing during a persiudhe later, when the region became a desert. Research and discovery made, suggest that the culture has changed with climate change in this country. "From 8000 to 6000 years ago, the Sahara desert region, called Wadi Takarkori, was filled with vegetation. Ancient rock art shows for animals such as cows, which require much more water than would could take the current environment. " - Said tafuri. Tafuri and her colleague Savino di Lernia began archaeological dig site between 2003 and 2006. In the same place archaeologists also found animal bones, Lodge, and jars with traces of those early fermented dairy products in Africa. To determine the antiquity of the skeletons, Tafuri measured isotope concentrations waste, or similar elements molecules with different weight. The team concluded that the skeletons were buried more than 4 thousand years ago, with most of the skeletons that were buried between 7300 and 5600 years ago. "While men and young people under piles of stone were buried from 4500 years ago, when the region became dry. Even through rocks confirms art, after Cavern paintings began to describe goats, which need less water than cows. " Tafuri said. The findings suggest that the place of burial has been used for millennia by the same group of people. Also showed a divided society. "Exclusive use stony housing for the burial of women and children, shows a continuous separation based on gender." - Marina wrote Gallinaro, which was not involved in the study, a researcher in African studies at the University Sapienca in Rome. "One possibility is that during the earlier period, women have had a critical role in society. But when the Sahara began inexorable expansion across the region about 5,000 years ago, the culture changed, and the dominance of men may be raised as a result of this. " - Gallinaro wrote. The region is filled with hundreds of places that should examine.
Arkeologet kane zbuluar 20 skelete te Epokes se Gurit ne shkretetiren e Saharase. Skeletet e gjetur datojne ndermjet 8000 dhe 4200 vjet me pare, qe do te thote qe ky vend varrimi eshte perdorur per mijevjecare. "Duhet te kete qene nje vend kujtimi." - tha bashkeautorja e studimit Mary Anne Tafuri, nje arkeologe ne Universitetin e Kembrixh. "Njerezit e kane mbajtur kete vend eshe me kalimin e kohes, dhe kane varrosur atje njerezit e tyre, gjenerate pas gjenerate." Rreth 15 gra dhe femije ishin varrosur ne strehimin prej guri, ndersa pese burra dhe te rinj ishin varrosur nen ngrumbuj gjigande guresh te quajtur tumuli qe ndodheshin jashte strehimit gjate nje persiudhe me te vone, kur ky rajon u kthye ne nje shkretetire. Studimi dhe zbulimi i bere, sugjerojne qe edhe kultura ka ndryshuar me ndryshimin e klimes ne kete vend. "Qe nga 8000 deri ne 6000 vjet me pare, rajoni i shkretetires se Saharase, i quajtur Wadi Takarkori, ishte i mbushur me vegjetacion. Arti ne gur tregon per kafshet antike, si lopet, te cilat kerkojne shume me shume uje nga sa do te mund te merrnin mjedisin aktual." - tha tafuri. Tafuri dhe kolegu i saj Savino di Lernia filluan te germonin vendin arkeologjik ndermjet viteve 2003 dhe 2006. Ne te njejtin vend arkeologet zbuluan gjithashtu kocka kafshesh, shtepiza, dhe poce me gjurme te atyre qe jane prodhimet me te hershme te fermentuara bulmeti ne Afrike. Per te percaktuar vjetersine e skeleteve, Tafuri mati mbetjet per perqendrimet e izotopeve, apo molekulave te elementeve te njejte me peshe te ndryshme. Ekipi arriti ne perfundimin qe skeletet ishin varrosur me shume se 4 mije vjet me pare, me shumicen e skeleteve qe ishin varrosur ndermjet 7300 dhe 5600 vjet me pare. "Ndersa meshkujt dhe te rinjte nen grumbujt e gurit ishin te varrosur duke filluar nga 4500 vjet me pare, kur rajoni u be me i thate. Edhe arti neper gure e konfirmon, pasi pikturat neper shpella filluan te pershkruanin dhite, te cilat kane nevoje per me pak uje se lopet." - tha Tafuri. Zbulimet sugjerojne qe vendi i varrimit eshte perdorur per mijevjecare nga i njejti grup njerezish. Gjithashtu tregoi nje shoqeri te ndare. "Perdorimi ekskluziv i strehimit te gurte per varrosjen e grave dhe femijeve, tregon nje ndarje te vazhdueshme te bazuar tek gjinia." - shkroi Marina Gallinaro, e cila nuk ishte e perfshire ne studim, nje kerkuese ne studimet Afrikane ne Univeristetin Sapienca ne Rome. "Nje mundesi eshte qe gjate periudhes me te hershme, grate te kene patur nje rol me kritik ne shoqeri. Por kur Saharaja filloi zgjerimin e paepur neper rajon rreth 5.000 vjet me pare, kultura ndryshoi, dhe mbizoterimi i meshkujve mund te jete ngritur si rezultat i kesaj." - shkroi Gallinaro. Rajoni eshte i mbushur me qindra vende qe duhet te germohen.

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