What is the nation that built european (VIDEO)

Maybe if I look like the picture skeni to understand. Ancient language of etruskve (ancient people also very developed in Italy who have built Rome). Seems to be Albanian (Illyrian). Is made ​​public at large media world will change the history of mankind because our race has built all over Europe. La Lingua etrusca = Lingua inglese say some Italian emissions and the world on this subject, however this is an issue that the major media have to take seriously that brought the truth about ancient people in Europe, the Albanians. First let him distribute the Albanians this news in any tone profile, whereas the world to see in silence.
Ndoshta po ta shikoni si foto skeni per ta kuptuar. Gjuha e lashte e etruskve ( popull i lashte edhe shume i zhvilluar ne itali te cilet kane ndertuar Romen). Duket te jete shqip ( ilirishte). Po te behet publike ne mediat e medha boterore do ndryshonte historine e njerzimit sepse rraca jone ka ndertuar gjith europen. La Lingua etrusca = Lingua albanese thone te disa emisionet italiane dhe te botes per kete teme, megjithate kjo eshte nje ceshtje qe media me te medha duhet ta marrin seriozisht qe te dale e verteta mbi popullin me te lashte ne europe, shqiptaret. Si fillim le ta shperndajme vete ne shqiptaret kete lajm ne cdo profil tonin, kurse bota te shohe ne heshtje.

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