Mystery Object Almost Causes Mid-Air Collision

Investigators believe this object, whatever it is, could pose a serious safety hazard to planes. Radio transmissions from confirm a nervous-sounding pilot reported a strange object at 5:17 p.m. Monday. The pilot is heard telling air traffic control: "A remote controlled aircraft, or what? Something just went by the other way ... About 20 to 30 seconds ago. It was like a large remote-controlled aircraft. The corporate jet, a Cessna Citation 525 CJ1, was flying at 8,000 feet above sea level over Cherry Creek when the mystery object came close enough to make any pilot nervous. "That's an issue because now we have something in controlled airspace that poses a danger," Former NTSB Investigator and 9NEWS Aviation Analyst Greg Feith said.
Avioni me te cilin po udhetonte piloti, nje Cessna Citation 525 CJ1, po fluturonte rreth 8.000 feet mbi Cherry Creek kur objekti misterioz iu afrua aq shume sa cdo pilot do te ndihej nervoz. "Kjo eshte nje ceshtje problematike pasi tani ne kemi dicka ne nje hapesire ajrore te konrolluar, qe perfaqeson rrezik." - tha analisti i aviacionit dhe ish hetuesi i NTSB Greig Feith. Feithe degjoi regjistrimin dhe beson se objekti mund te jete nje prej ketyre gjerave: - Nje avion i telekomanduar ushtarak - Nje avion i kontrolluar nga larg - Nje zog i madh "Ishte ky nje mjet pa emer qe ishte pjese e ndonje operimi? Mos ishte dikush qe kishte cuar nje model shume te madh per ne hapesire? Apo ishte thjesht nje zog qe ne fakt pilotit iu duk si nje avion per shkak te kraheve te tij te medha." - tha Feith.

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