Pope Benedict XVI's Resignation Linked To Probe Into ‘Vatican Gay Officials'

pope benedict xvi

Pope Benedict XVI’s decision to resign was reportedly influenced by the discovery of a gay “network” in the Vatican that led to some clergymen being blackmailed by outsiders.
The claims were made in Italy’s La Repubblica newspaper, which says the network was described in a 300 page report presented to the Pope by three cardinals assigned to investigate the “Vatileaks” scandal of 2012.
The report allegedly describes divisions in the Roman Catholic Church, including a “cross-party network united by sexual orientation.”

 “La Repubblica” ka shkruar së fundmi se :” Papa Benedikti XVI ka dhënë dorëheqjen pasi nuk mund të përballej me pasojat e raportit me 300 faqe. Hetimet kanë zbuluar se ekziston një lob homoseksualësh brenda kishës, që ka njëfarë kontrolli mbi karrierën e atyre në Vatikan. Ata organizonin takime seksuale , duke i bërë ata shumë vulnerabil ndaj shantazhev..

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