Meteor rain has nothing to do with the asteroid that is approaching the Earth


Meteor rain that fell on Celjabinskut region, in all probability, has nothing to do with the asteroid is expected to fly close to Earth on Friday in the late hours, thinks Birkbeck University astronomer Ian Crawford.

"Of course I can not make parallels between these two phenomena. Should be noted that DA14 asteroid is approaching Earth from the south, and meteor rain poured on the territory of Russia that lies in the northern hemisphere. Therefore I find it very little reliable fact that these phenomena are related in ndonjefare way with each other, "he said.

As announced in the late hours of Friday asteroid 2012 DA14 will fly to a distance of 27,000 km from the Earth.

Shiu meteor qe ra mbi rajonin e Celjabinskut, sipas te gjitha gjasave, nuk ka te beje me asteroidin qe pritet te fluturoje afer Tokes te premten ne oret e vona, mendon astronomi i Birkbeck University, Ian Crawford.
"Natyrisht une nuk mund te mos beja paralelizma mes ketyre dy fenomeneve. Duhet te kemi parasysh se asteroidi DA14 i eshte afruar Tokes nga jugu, kurse shiu meteor u derdh mbi territorin e Rusise qe shtrihet ne hemisferen veriore. Prandaj mua me duket shume pak i besueshem fakti se keto fenomene jane te lidhura ne ndonjefare menyre me njeri-tjetrin ", - tha ai.
Sic eshte njoftuar ne oret e vona te se premtes asteroidi 2012 DA14 do te fluturoje ne nje distance 27.000 km nga Toka.

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