The real rolling stones: Mystery of Death Valley's gliding rocks

The moving rocks, also known as sliding rocks or sailing stones, are a geological phenomenon found in Racetrack Playa, a seasonally dry lake (a playa) located in the Panamint Mountains in Death Valley National Park, California. The rocks move across the surface of the playa, leaving long tracks behind them as they go, without human or animal intervention. They have never been seen or filmed in motion.
Keta gure levizin duke lene nje shenje gervishtjeje ne toke dhe gjenden ne te gjithe zonen e Death Valley National Park, ne Kaliforni. Behet fjale per gure misterioze qe ecin, te studiuar qe nga vitet '40 per levizjen e tyre te paperceptueshme me sy te lire, por te dallueshem nga shenjat e zvarritjes te lena ne toke. I fundit qe ka fotografuar 'ecjen e gureve' eshte fotografi Dab Carr i cili me punen e tij te perkushtuar arriti t'i mbikqyrte me periudha te gjata kohore per te 'ndalur' ecjen e gureve dhe per ta pasqyruar ate ne foto.

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