Did twin asteroids wipe out the dinosaurs ?


Researchers now believe the killer space rock could have been two asteroids orbiting one another. Binary asteroids are actually quote common making up about 15% of those that pass near to the Earth. The craters from such impacts can be found in various places around the world such as those at Clearwater Lakes near Hudson Bay in Canada which formed 290 million years ago. Some binary asteroid impacts are also thought to create only a single crater making it difficult to determine exactly how frequently the Earth is impacted by them.If indeed two large asteroids slammed in to the Earth at the end of the Cretaceous then it is no surprise that the dinosaurs went extinct, it also means that we may have more trouble than expected if we were to be ever faced with deflecting a binary asteroid from impacting the Earth again in modern times.

Deri tani mendohej qe asteroidi qe zhduku dinosauret te ishte nje i vetem me nje diamer 7-10 kilometra, por ne fakt mund te kene qene dy asteroide me ate diameter te marre te dy se bashku. Konkluzioni surprize vjen nga nje ri vleresom i kratereve te asteroideve ne Toke qe jane formuar nga preplasje me binare. Ky mund te jete edhe lajm i keq per ata qe shpresojne te mbrojne boten tone nga perplasje katastrofike ne te ardhmen. Toka mban shenjat nga perplasjet me asteroide-binjake: Liqenet Clearwater prane Gjirit Hudson ne Kanada, per shembull qe jane kratere binjake qe jane formuar 290 milion vjet me pare. Shembuj si Clearwater jane megjithate shume te rralle. Vetem 1 ne 50 kratere ne Toke vjen nga keto cifte. Ky eshte nje 'puzzle' pasi numerimi i 'gureve' qe jane prane Tokes sugjeron qe binaret jane shume te zakonshem. "Eshte tashme e njohur prej 15 vjetesh qe rreth 15% e asteroideve qe gjenden prane Tokes jane binare." - tha Katarina Miljkovic, ne Institutin e Fizikes Tokesore ne Paris, France. Duke qene cdo gje tjeter njesoj, 15% e pratereve te perplasjeve me token duhet te jene rezultat i impakteve binjake. Por atehere pse me llogaritjet qe jane bere, rezultojne shume me pak?

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