Breast Cancer Surgery 3D

This 3D patient education medical animation depicts various surgical procedures to remove breast cancer lumps and tumors. The surgeries include lumpectomy, simple mastectomy, modified radical mastectomy, and radical mastectomy surgery.

Criss Angel hace levitar chica.makes a girl levitate in front of a crowd

Real-Life Mutant Girl Causes Things around Her to Catch on Fire

A yet unnamed 11-year-old girl from Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh City has been making headlines in Asia, for her alleged uncontrollable power to set things around her on fire.
According to Vietnamese website Ngoisao, on May 12, a young girl living in the Tan Binh district of Ho Chi Minh has burned down almost the entire third floor of her family’s home. Her father says the child did not have access to any fire-inducing objects, and that the fire was caused by the super-energy in her body. How many times have we heard that one before, right? But while that may sound like the exaggerations of a parent looking for media attention, this is apparently not the first time this Vietnamese girl has caused things to burst into fire just by going near them.

Njerez qe pretendojne te kene fuqi mbinatyrore ne bote jane te shumte. Edhe studiues te ketyre njerezve apo ketyre fuqive mbinatyrore ka mjaftueshem.
Megjithate shume shpesh keto fuqi nuk merren seriozisht nga njerezit dhe shumica e popullsise ne bote jane skeptike dhe mendojne qe ka dicka te fshehur, qe nuk ekzistojne fuqite mbinatyrore por ato jane si nje truk magjik, qe thjesht duhet te zbulohet e verteta, apo edhe nese nuk jane mashtrime, atehere per gjithcka pretendojne qe do te kete nje shpjegim te arsyeshem shkencor dhe pa asgje paranormale brenda.
Per te balancuar anen e skeptikeve, ka edhe shume njerez te tjere qe i marrin jashtezakonisht seriozisht ngjarjet dhe aftesite mbinatyrore. Madje, ne Vietnam ka edhe nje qender kerkimi ne lidhje me keto.
Diku ne qytetin Ho Chi Minh, nje ekip me investigatore paranormale eshte tani duke u munduar te verifikoje dhe te zbuloje shkaqet se si nje vajze e vogel 11 vjecare mund te ndeze ne flake objektet me aurolen e saj.

Crazy Super Swarms - Science on the Web

Everyone's seen it - A gigantic mass of starlings undulate in the sky back a forth in a hypnotic dance. But the starlings don't do this for our benefit. So why do they? Go behind the funny, behind the strange and behind the viral in this episode of Science on the Web.

The girl who can't stop hiccupping

EMILY Marsh, 13, hasn't been able to stop hiccupping - and it even happens when she is asleep

Great White Shark gets head into Shark Diving Cage!!! 03/21/2013 Gansbaai, SA

Strangled by a Boa Constrictor - Deadly 60 - BBC

Steve Backshall risks being strangled by a Boa Constrictor snake as he demonstrates their lethal killing technique - on himself! Incredible clip from Deadly 60 series 2.

How its made--Glass bottles

Another excellent video series "How it's Made" shows us how glass bottles produced. Glass used by man for thousands of years. Forms processing that have gone through many phases. In modern times is the perfect way of processing. In this video you will find many answers on this.
Edhe një video e shkëlqyer nga seria "How it's made" na tregon se si prodhohen shishet e qelqit. Qelqi përdoret prej mijëra vjetësh nga njeriu. Format e përpunimit të tij kanë kaluar nëpër shumë faza. Në kohët moderne është përsosur mënyra e përpunimit të tij. Në këtë video do të gjeni shumë përgjigje lidhur me këtë.

Wife of footballer Zhirkov: there is money - do not mind - Inna Zhirkov - Kaliningrad model

Wife of footballer Zhirkov: money is - do not mind (Video) It would be interesting also to listen to her husband. Here's who have told us about the planets of the solar system. But the athletes on this usually do not ask, just make fun of female models. In general, football and beauty - a classic. They always have something to talk to each other. He told her: "Beee", she replied: "Meee". Not burdened with intelligence and happy. Inna Zhirkov - Kaliningrad model. But we well know it as the wife of the player of the national football team and the club, "Anji" by Yuri Zhirkov. From age 14, she engaged in the modeling business, became "Miss Kaliningrad", was at the time to participate in the contest "Miss Russia", but fell ill and dropped out. And now - won the "Mrs. Russia" - 2012.
Ina Zhirkova, Miss Rusia iu deshtë që ta kthejë kurorën pasi që nuk ishte e aftë që të përgjigjet në disa pyetje të thjeshta. Bukuroshja ruse nuk ka ditur të përgjigjet në pyetjen në lidhje me letërsi, ndërsa nga kur u pyet se "A sillet Toka rreth Diellit, apo e kundërta?",bukuroshja është përgjigjur gabimisht. "Dielli sillet rreth Tokës", pastaj është pyetur përsëri se a është përgjigja përfundimtare, ajo u hutua dhe përsëri tha se Dielli sillet rreth Tokës. E gjithë bota u shokua nga përgjigja e dhënë nga bukuroshja dhe për këtë arsye ajo u deshtë që të kthejë kurorën dhe të tërhiqet nga gara. Ajo në fund u shpreh se nuk është mërzitur fare dhe se nuk është fundi i botës. Ka thënë se është tepër e lumtur me burrin e saj, futbollistin Juri Zhirkov dhe me dy fëmijët e tyre.

Do You Even Lift? | Walters & Shieff (ep. 5)

Someone should tell this girl that this can't be done

Elhaida Dani - I Believe I Can Fly [The Voice of Italy] 23/05/2013 (VIDEO)

Girl Drinks Beer with Her Ear

this is the soon-to-be-famous Czech girl that has a unique talent: she can drink beer with her ear !

K.O. in Thailand way ( Нокаут на тајлански начин)

Peptic (Stomach) Ulcer

This 3D medical animation on peptic (stomach) ulcers describes common locations of ulcers: esophageal ulcers located in your esophagus, gastric ulcers located in the antrum of your stomach, and duodenal ulcers located in the portion of your stomach connected to your small intestines. Also shown are the different causes and complications of ulcers, medications, and three different surgical treatments for ulcers: Vagotomy, Antrectomy, and Pyloroplasty.

Cosmetics Company Forces Employees to Crawl in Public

A Chinese cosmetics company forces employees to crawl in public. Not everyone has the same thinking on motivating employees. A company in China recently took an unusual approach. Residents of Chongqing were surprised to see a bunch of well-dressed workers crawling on their hands and knees around the Liberation Monument. Many witnesses took photos of the bizarre scene and posted them on the web. The police quickly arrived on the scene. Reportedly, the minds behind a cosmetics company thought it would be a good training and motivational exercise to have employees crawl in public. The idea being for them to learn how to thrive under pressure. Law enforcement workers asked the group to leave and also criticized the training efforts of the company. Earlier this year, salesmen in Sichuan province, China were forced to run half naked down the street, after they were unable to reach their quota of business deals. Over 20 sales representatives had to run 51 degree Fahrenheit weather. The men ran 10 kilometers only wearing shorts, and the women ran five kilometers wearing thin clothes.

Albanian Navy Unter Water Demolition Unit Teams

Sirius Documentary 2013

The "Sirius Documentary" is a feature length documentary that follows Dr. Steven Greer an Emergency room doctor turned UFO researcher, as he struggles to disclose top secret information about classified energy, propulsion techniques and Extraterrestrials.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev Buried in Virginia Cemetery

Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev has been buried in a cemetery in central Virginia, infuriating some members of the area's Islamic community who say they weren't consulted. (May 10)

Best Ab Workouts For Men | How To Lose Belly Fat For Men | How To Get A Six Pack Abs

Ab workouts ab workout abdominal exercises abdominal exercise ab exercise ab exercises abs workout. Abs exercise exercises for abs exercise for abs stomach exercises. Abdominal workout exercises lower abdominal exercises best abdominal exercises stomach exercises for women lower ab workouts workout abs. Lower abdominal exercise love handle exercises ab exercises for women ab workouts for women abs work out abs workout routine. Core workout ab work outs abdominal workout best ab exercise best ab workout for women ab workout routine. Ab twist abs exercises great ab workout abs exercises for women best ab workouts ab work out how to work out abs abdominal work out lower ab exercises good ab workouts. Lower abs exercise best ab workout abdominal workouts good workouts for abs abs workout for women at home ab workouts abs workouts workouts for abs. Best est abs workout flat abs exercises lower ab exercise workout for abs flat abs how to get abs best exercise for abs best workout for abs ab twister workout routines abs training exercises for lower abs.

Video: 'Ring of fire' eclipse dims sunlight over Australia

Skywatchers in the Australian Outback were among the lucky few to witness a solar eclipse on Friday as the moon glided between the Earth and the sun, blocking everything but a dazzling ring of light. The eclipse lasted between three and six minutes, depending on its location, and blacked out around 95 percent of the sun at its peak near Tennant Creek.

Kastriot, Flamur and the envelope !!!

Survivor found in Bangladesh building collapse rubble

Bangladeshi rescuers have found a woman survivor in the rubble of a garment factory complex which collapsed and killed more than 1,000 people on April 24, the country's fire service chief told AFP news agency. One of the rescuers said that the woman had cried out for help as recovery teams sifted through the wreckage more than 16 days after the nine-storey Rana Plaza complex collapsed on the outskirts of the capital Dhaka. "As we were clearing rubble, we called out if anyone was alive," the unnamed rescuer told the private Somoy TV channel. Army officials ordered workers to stop clearing the site Friday as they tried to free a person they said might still be alive. More than 2,500 people were rescued in the immediate aftermath of the building collapse.

Cleveland Kidnap Suspect's Daughter Says She's 'Disappointed, Embarrassed' in 'GMA' Interview

Arlene Castro talks to George Stephanopoulos about her father's alleged abduction of three women.

Japan Meteor Explosion! 5/6/13

Victory Day Parade 2013 Highlights: Military glory in Moscow's Red Square

From trademark tanks and fighter jets to the latest, unrivalled missile defense systems -- the Victory Day parade stages a military show right in the heart of Russia's busy capital.

russian Lada burns in the middle of the street

Qigong Master Demonstrates Pyrokinesis

Qi Gong master Zhou Ting-Jue was born in 1934 in China. At the age of seven, he began learning martial arts and traditional Chinese medical theory under the guidance of his uncle, a Taoist priest. He often secluded himself at Wu Dang Mountain, in the temple of his uncles sect, for advanced studies. There, he cultivated the discipline of Qi Gong and developed a growing understanding of the true meaning and potentials of Qi and its relationship to life and the universe. His mentors included many famous Chinese Qi Gong masters, who passed on to him their personal knowledge about the mysterious power of Qi Gong.

coght on chiting: in crossfire from wife and gf

Snake attacks man

Jogger pulls incredible dance moves while running on a treadmill

Strange Pukehina sea creature

This strange marine creature washed up dead on Pukehina Beach in the Bay of Plenty last week after some violent storms. Can anyone identify what it is? It is has a huge head and teeth with rudimentary flippers. It seems about 9M in length but the lower part of the body is probably mainly entrails from an attack.

Raw: Fake Nuns Caught With Cocaine

Three women wearing nun costumes tried to smuggle more than 12 pounds of cocaine out of Colombia. Police spotted the fake garb right away. (May 7)

Nazimes trial, the judge brick asleep!!!

[FULL] Bear Mauls a Monkey During 'Bike Race' at Shanghai Wild Park

Horror as bear on a bike EATS a monkey at the end of sick circus cycle race. A monkey was mauled by a bear after a disturbing circus stunt went wrong. A video has emerged online of two monkeys and a black bear being forced to ride bicycles around a track in front of a large crowd. After two laps of the track, one of the monkeys crash and the bear then attacks it as it lies stuck under the bicycle.

Abania 2013 - Fashion Party In Tirana - Nightlife / Clubbing

Who was Skanderbeg? - Revealed shocking!!!

Albanian wonders! Refuses to open road ambulance car!!!

Sailendra Nath Roy: MOMENT Stuntman Dies During World Record Attempt

Dare-devil dies while crossing ravine hanging by his pony tail. Guinness record holder dies while trying to cross Teesta on zip wire: Stuntman dies during world record attempt as he tried to cross river on a zip-wire attached to his hair. A man with a Guinness World Record for travelling the farthest distance on a zip wire attached to a tuft of his hair died while performing the stunt across the Teesta at Sevoke near Siliguri in West Bengal's Darjeeling district on Sunday. Sailendra Nath Roy (48) was trying to cross the river suspended from a 600 feet zip cable at a height of 70 feet near the Coronation Bridge. A large number of people had gathered to watch the act. After covering about 40 per cent of the distance, Mr. Roy could not progress further. Amidst cheers and screams of hundreds of onlookers, he desperately tried to move forward, hanging from the cable and using his hand to inch ahead. Suddenly, there was no movement, and after about 45 minutes, he was brought down. Mr. Roy was rushed to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead. He had suffered a massive heart attack. "Mr. Roy was a home guard with the Siliguri Metropolitan Police. He was a professional stunt man and had performed such acts across the country and abroad. He was on leave today," K. Jayaraman, Commissioner of the Siliguri Metropolitan Police, told The Hindu over the telephone.

The Anar Foundation A message only for children

A Spanish charity has revealed a unique poster that only reveals an anti-abuse helpline to children. The Anar foundation poster can only be fully seen when looked at from a child's point of view due to a lenticular printing technique more often seen in novelty postcards. When an child sees it, they see the message 'If somebody hurts you, phone us and we'll help you,' while an adult simply sees an image of a frightened child.

Candy Blowing by Street Artist in Xian, China

Enjoy watching this street artist entertaining everyone with his sugar blowing display in Xian, China - street food in China.

How Much Stuff Do Our Bodies Make In A Year?

The amount of hair, skin, sweat, tears, pee, and, uh, more that our bodies make in a year.

Little Pretty White Girl (Autotune Remix)

Dramatic helicopter shootout and car chase in Rio de Janeiro

Video has emerged showing police in Brazil shooting rounds from a helicopter at an accused drug trafficker on the run. The car eventually stopped and was surrounded by people in the area. The alleged drug trafficker Marcio Pereira did manage to escape but was found dead the next day in a parked car. Since the video aired on BrazilianTV, police have launched an investigation to see if the officers involved used excessive force in their pursuit. Report by Sarah Johnston.

Imran Khan seriously injured as he falls at rally

Imran Khan, now one of Pakistan's most prominent politicians, was rushed to hospital after the incident today in the eastern city of Lahore.

Texas Teen's Hyundai Speeds Out of Control

China broadcasts chilling footage of last moments of convicted murderers about to be executed

A notorious drug lord told how he longed for his mother in a chilling final interview - before being marched to his death live on Chinese television Burmese gangster Naw Kham was one of four death row prisoners paraded before news cameras in China today as they were escorted to an execution chamber in Yunnan province. State media broadcast live footage of the four foreign inmates, convicted of the murder of 13 Chinese fishermen on the Mekong river in 2011, as they were taken to be put to death by lethal injection today. The moment of death was not shown. n an interview broadcast in China beforehand, apparently recorded on February 27, Naw Kham looked upset as he said: 'I don't want my children to be like me. I am afraid of death. I want to live.' He added: 'I haven't been able to sleep for two days. I have been thinking too much. I miss my mum. I don't want to die. I have children. I am afraid.' . Kham came to nationwide notoriety in China following the slaughter of 13 Chinese sailors when their ships were stormed by armed men on the Mekong river in 2011. The bodies of the 13 fishermen were found inside two cargo ships, the Hua Ping and the Yu Xing, on the Thai side of the river in October of that year. According to China's Xinhua news agency, Kham and his subordinates launched an attack on the two ships together with Thai soldiers. News outlets in China confirmed Kham, Hsang Kham, from Thailand, Yi Lai, who is stateless, and Zha Xika, from Laos, were put to death by lethal injection in Kunming, Yunnan province Kham is believed to have been one of the most powerful warlords in the Golden Triangle comprising of Thailand, Laos and Burma, BBC News said. Liu Yuejin, head of China's anti-drug unit, told CCTV: 'Naw Kham is apparently a Buddhist. But his life has been dedicated to shooting, crime and murder. He is, by nature, a brutal killer with no regard for life.' The state media agency's coverage of the prisoners' execution also included the pre-recorded interview with Kham understood to have been recorded earlier this week, in which the feared gangster said: 'I miss my mum... I don't want to die... I am afraid.' After the men were killed by lethal injection, an online post from Yunnan province's Public Security Bureau read simply: 'Execution implemented.'

New computer game can 'make your brain three years younger' in ten hours

Graphic video: First moments after Boston Marathon blasts

WARNING: Graphic footage! A camera shot first moments after deadly explosions in Boson, Massachusetts. At least three people, including an eight-year-old, have been killed and more than a hundred injured after two explosions hit the finish line of the Boston Marathon.

Ryder's on his way to waterski! 7.5 month old baby on learner ski!

This is our son Ryder learning to ski at the age of 7.5 months at Lake Dyer, Queensland. Please note: he is not actually behind a boat he is just being pulled along the shoreline. Next step is to get him beside the boat next season when its warmer again. We used our GoPro to capture this moment.

Shark Steals Swordfish From New Zealand Fishermen

Charles Ramsey interview (Amanda Berry and Ginna DeJesus found alive)

CLEVELAND - Cleveland police said missing teens Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and a third woman were found in a west side house on Monday. "This isn't the ending we usually get," said MetroHealth Medical Center Dr. Gerald Maloney. Hundreds of people gathered in the streets near 2207 Seymour Avenue in Cleveland, where the women were discovered. Cleveland police said Berry, DeJesus and Michelle Knight are alive, talking and appear to be OK. "I heard screaming... And I see this girl going nuts trying to get outside," said Charles Ramsey, a neighbor who found the women. "I go on the porch and she said 'Help me get out. I've been here a long time.' I figure it was domestic violence dispute." "She comes out with a little girl and says 'Call 911, my name is Amanda Berry'... When she told me, it didn't register." He said he made the call and gave Berry the phone. When police arrived, officers asked him if he knew who he rescued. A witness who spoke Spanish told NewsChannel5's Stephanie Ramirez that he helped break down the door. He said there was a child who was about 4 or 5 years old with Berry, as well as other children inside the house. He said he recognized Berry from posters. Cleveland police said a suspect, a 52-year-old man, is in custody. There will be a media briefing Tuesday morning. Berry was last seen in 2003 when she was called her sister to say she was getting a ride home from work at the Burger King on West 110th Street and Lorain Avenue. She was set to turn 17 the day after her disappearance. Her mother died of heart failure in 2006. On April 2, 2004, 14-year-old DeJesus went missing while walking home from Wilbur Wright Middle School. She was last seen around West 105 Street and Lorain Avenue. Her mother, Nancy Ruiz, said she believed DeJesus was sold into human trafficking. "I always said it from the beginning; she was sold to the highest bidder," Ruiz said in April 2012. The remaining families of both women went to MetroHealth Medical Center, where they will be reunited. FBI agents were also at the hospital Monday night as family and friends flocked to see the women. "I am thankful that Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight have been found alive. We have many unanswered questions regarding this case and the investigation will be ongoing. Again, I am thankful that these three young ladies are found and alive," Mayor Frank Jackson said. Last summer, there was a break in Berry case that turned out to be an inmate's hoax. Robert Wolford, 26, told authorities that Berry's body was in a vacant lot in Cleveland. Police searched at West 30th Street and Wade Avenue in July with backhoes, but nothing was found. Wolford was sentenced to four and half years in prison after pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice, making a false report and making a false alarm.

BBC News World's first 3D-printed gun fired in US

The world's first gun made with 3D printer technology has been successfully fired in the US. The controversial group who created the firearm plan to make the blueprints available online. Anti-gun advocates have criticised the project and Europol, Europe's law enforcement agency, said it was closely monitoring the development.

Epic Reaction at Bayern`s Kid Fan : Enjoy Lewandowski Miss Penalty

Epic Reaction at Bayern`s Kid Fan : Enjoy Lewandowski Miss Penalty Little Fan of Bayern undercover when Neur save Lewandowski's Penalty

Cornwall speedboat crash: Man and daughter killed

A 51-year-old man and his daughter, eight, have died after a speedboat crashed off the north Cornish coast. Four other family members were seriously injured when they were thrown from the boat off Padstow harbour. They have been airlifted to hospital. Children and adults suffered leg injuries of varying degrees of severity, John Oliver from South Western Ambulance Service said. Police are investigating whether the boat hit kayakers after losing control.

Madrid : Air plane crash

Asesination of Helmin Wiels

Toddler gives his mom a wedgie on the back of a bike

Whether it be their first step, first word or first wildly original dance move, toddletale is the channel that celebrates babies and toddlers doing the unbelievable and hilarious. Subscribe today for LOL baby and toddler clips every day!

The world's fastest amphibious assault ship - Turkish shipyards produced


VW Crush

Best UFO Sightings Of April 2013, AFO

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this video is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. Iv put a lot of effort into researching each case in this video, however nobody's perfect, and there are bound to be a few videos in here that have been debunked or proven fake. But I ask you, to always keep your mind open. Just because someone has told you the video is fake, or there's a video out there explaining in minute detail why it is, don't let that change your mind about it. Until there is good solid evidence out there that explains why and how the video is a fake stand by your own opinion. Don't let somebody else's opinion overshadow your own. I have contacted every video owners channel and asked for permission to use each of the sightings presented in the video, however I am aware that the channels providing the videos may not own them. If you have noticed your footage in the video please private message me or email me at to resolve the issue. If you have a problem with your sighting being part of this footage, I would be more than happy to remove and re upload the video with your footage taken out.

Monster in Lough Foyle!

Was shooting in Lough Foyle when this thing went past us. It was massive. Really don't know what it was. There have been whales in the Lough before so maybe that's what it was but Matthew was closer than we were and says it was no whale. Looks like we have our own Loch Ness Monster?! Any experts out there ? We're still filming so if it shows up again we'll do our best to get a better shot of it.

Dramatic video: Israeli missile strike hits Damascus

Strong blasts hit the outskirts of Syria's capital early on Sunday, with reports saying that they were results of Israeli airstrikes on a military research center and Damascus Airport. Israel is thought to have carried out a similar attack days ago.

'Hezbollah Reaches Pinnacle of Art of Irregular Warfare'

Robot Reveals Aztec Chambers at Mexico's Teotihuacan .

A robot has discovered three ancient chambers at the last stretch of unexplored tunnel at Mexico's famed Teotihuacan archaeological site on Monday, the first robotic discovery of its kind in the Latin American country. Named Tlaloc II after the Aztec god of rain, the robot was first lowered into the depths of the 2,000-year-old tunnel under the Quetzalcoatl Temple to check if it was safe for human entry. After months of exploration, the remote-controlled vehicle has relayed back video images to researchers of what appears to be three ancient chambers located under the Mesoamerican city's pyramid. [Sergio Gomez, Archaeologist]: "It corroborates the information of the existence of a big space at the end of the passage, it appears to be three chambers. There is a lot of rubble, which is part of the reason why the team could not continue (with exploration). We are now below the pyramid." The investigation's immediate goal is to find a tomb where the city's former rulers are thought to be buried. Although one of Mexico's most famous pre-Hispanic sites, Teotihuacan is still shrouded in mystery. [Sergio Gomez, Archaeologist]: "This is a good opportunity to try and understand the significance of these types of tunnels. The hypothesis we have is the possibility that these chambers could have the remains of important people or some offering, which can give insight into the activities that took place."

Scandal In Korca, police forces use violence against a fan

Best NBA Fights of All Time

Patras: Arrest parents an unprecedented case lechery

The mafia's secret bunkers

Mafia historian John Dickie joins an elite Italian special forces unit, the Cacciatori or Hunters, as they discover a series of underground tunnels built by the mafia. This sophisticated labyrinthine network is hidden under villages in Italy's southern region of Calabria and allows criminals to escape at a moment's notice.

[Warning Graphic] Moment gunman opened fire on police with AK47 and was shot by police

Shocking moment gunman opened fire on police with AK47 and was shot dead during a routine traffic stop Moment gunman opened fire on police with AK47 and was shot by police during a routine traffic stop (graphic video) Authorities released terrifying footage of an armed madman shooting up a patrol car in Middlefield, Ohio, turning a routine traffic stop into a combat zone. Local police told reporters on Friday that they still have no clue why James Gilkerson fired 37 shots at two officers using an AK-47 style assault rifle after the officers pulled him over on March 10, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reported. 'He got of the vehicle, intending to kill my officers. We don't know why he did it,' said Middlefield Police Chief Arnold Stanko. Scroll down for video (Warning: graphic content) Routine stop: The cops flagged down James Gilkerson's car in a routine traffic stop Open fire: After several seconds of being pulled over Gilkerson jumped out of his car and began firing at the two officers behind him The two officers, Erin Thomas and Brandon Savage, returned fire and killed Gilkerson, 42, piercing him with multiple shots. In the video, Gilkerson can be seen jumping out of his car, which had been pulled over for failing to stop at an intersection, according to the News-Herald, and opening fire on Thomas and Savage.

Adelina Berisha - No Other

Real Life Human Barbie Doll

Believe it or not this is a new trend and women like this are popping up everywhere thanks to plastic surgery. Meet Valeria Lukyanova, a 21-year-old Ukrainian model who has made herself up into a real-life Barbie. Lukyanova's got the long, straight blonde hair, the flawless ivory skin, the wide-eyed look and the heart-shaped mouth. Even more unbelievable, however, is her tiny, seemingly carved-out waist and her disproportionally large chest. It may not be scientifically exact, but Lukyanova comes close to real-life Barbie proportions. Yes, she is a real person, but not all of her is real. Valeria paid over $800,000 to look like Barbie. So it's not out of the realm of possibility. See the stunning photos of the real-life Barbie below -- One of the Largest Compilation of photos (Over 350 Pictures) of Valeria Lukyanova, the Human Barbie Doll on the net. Check out Valeria's own website, Lukyanova claims to be "the most famous woman on the Russian Language internet." Among her interests listed are modeling and "astroplaning."

The Boy with 8 Limbs in India

Texas Teen's Hyundai Speeds Out of Control

A 16-year-old Albanian living in the United States of America has experienced a less-than-pleasant history after the car in which he was traveling has shown problems with the accelerator pedal. Elez Lushaj was traveling to Texas with a Hyundai Elantra, but suddenly could not examine the speed of the car as it would take gas itself. 16-year-old by phone asked ndhmën police, which after a few minutes was found later. "Can not stop the car, she walked 125 miles per hour," expressed 16-year-old on the phone while the operator replied: "I'm working on this, I promise that I'm working." Police operator tried to plugged company Hyundai dealers, but none had a solution. In the end, after he could not avoid a truck, the teenager went off the road, rolled four times and stopped.
Një 16-vjeçar shqiptar me banim në Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës ka përjetuar një histori jo fort të këndshme pasi makina me të cilën ai po udhëtonte ka shfaqur probleme me pedalin e gazit. Elez Lushaj po udhëtonte në Teksas me një Hyundai Elantra por papritur nuk ka mundur të kontrolllojë më shpejtësinë e makinës pasi ajo e merrte vetë gazin. 16-vjeçari me anë të telefonit ka kërkuar ndhmën e policisë, e cila pas disa minutash i është gjendur pas. "Nuk arrij të ndaloj makinën, ajo me ecen me 125 milje në orë" shprehej 16 vjecari ne telefon ndersa operatori përgjigjej: “Po punoj për këtë, të premtoj që po punoj”. Operatori i policisë tentoi të lidhej me shitësit e kompanisë Hyundai, por askush nuk kishte një zgjidhje. Në fund, pasi nuk mundi të shmangë një kamion, makina e adoleshentit doli nga rruga, u rrotullua katër herë dhe ndaloi.

there are still good people in the world

Deputy Integration Grida Duma crashes

Wolves in istanbul

escaped wolves from the film set

High Speed Hammock

Men caught in the act as recorded woman in bus

Four foreigners executed for murdering 13 Chinese on Mekong river

China executed four foreigners accused of killing 13 Chinese sailors on the Mekong River. Notorious drug lord executed by China over 'Golden Triangle' Myanmar drug lord executed in China for 13 murders A notorious gang leader and drug lord from Myanma was among four foreigners executed in China Friday, marking the first time Beijing has extradited, tried and put to death foreign nationals. Naw Kham and three accomplices from Thailand and Laos were given a lethal injection in Yunnan's provincial capital, Kunming, late Friday afternoon. Extra tags: drug lord, drug lord executed, myanmar drug lord, myanmar drug lord executed in china, drug baron executed, live tv drug baron executed, china drug baron, china drug cartel, china drug lord, live tv execution, drug lord killing 13 fisherman, drug lord 13 murders, drug baron 13 murders, drug gang executed in china, live execution china,execution drug cartel,drug cartel news,execution of cartel member,drug war cartels,videos cartels executions,cartel execution chainsaw,cartel videos,cartel killing videos, chain saw execution,cartel killing tape,videos cartel executions,narco cartel videos,narco cartels,cartel chain saw,mexican cartels videos,narco cartel,mexican zetas cartel,mexican cartel members,liveleak cartel executions,graphic videos cartel executions
Kina ekzekuton katër të huajve të akuzuar për vrasjen e 13 marinarë kinezë në lumin Mekong. Zoti Notorious drogës ekzekutohet nga Kina mbi Mianmar zotërinë 'Golden Triangle' drogës ekzekutuar në Kinë për 13 vrasje Një udhëheqës i bandës famëkeqe dhe të drogës zotëria nga Myanma ishte në mesin e katër të huajve ekzekutuar në Kinë të premten, duke shënuar herën e parë Pekini ka ekstraduar, u përpoq dhe vënë në vdekje shtetasve të huaj. Naw Kham dhe tre bashkëpunëtorët nga Tajlandë dhe Laosi janë dhënë një injeksion vdekjeprurës në kryeqytetin e provincës Yunnan, Kunming, vonë pasdite e premte. Tags: Extra drogës Zot, zotëria e drogës ekzekutuar, myanmar drogës zotëria, Mianmar drogës zotëria ekzekutuar në Kinë, ekzekutohet drogës Baron, live tv drogës Baron ekzekutuar, porcelani drogës Baron, karteli i drogës porcelani, porcelani drogës zotëria, ekzekutimi jetojnë tv, drogës vrasja zoti 13 peshkatar, zotëria e drogës 13 vrasje, droge baron 13 vrasje, bandës droge ekzekutohen në Kinë, jetojnë ekzekutimi porcelani, drogës ekzekutimi karteli, karteli i drogës lajme, ekzekutimi i anëtarit kartelit, kartelet e drogës, luftës videos karteleve ekzekutimet, ekzekutimit kartelit sharrë elektrike me zinxhir, video karteleve , videos vrasjen kartelit, pa zinxhir ekzekutimi, karteli vrarë, kasetë video kartelit ekzekutimet, karteli video narko karteleve, narko kartelit, zinxhir pa, kartelet meksikan video, kartelit të narko kartelit, meksikan zetas, anëtarët e kartelit meksikan, ekzekutimet liveleak kartelit, graphic video karteli ekzekutimet

Elhaida Dani- The Voice of ITALY

A Day in the Life of an Interior Ministry Commando: The Mission to Get a Scarlet Beret

Watch this video to see a day in the life of a Russian Interior Ministry Special Forces unit. See how the commandos train and learn what skills they must possess to be awarded a scarlet beret -- a symbol that they belong to the elite Special Forces.

The New Face of the Euro - Europa

Portraits have traditionally been used on banknotes all over the world. Research has shown that people tend to recognise faces easily. That's why a portrait of Europa, a figure from Greek mythology and the origin of the name of our continent, was chosen to be included in the watermark and the hologram of the second series of euro banknotes - the Europa series.

Emotional hug between Sergio Ramos and Mourinho 02-05-2013

Coach Jose Mourinho and defender Sergio Ramos hug each appears to be quite honest, so it becomes a gesture of great importance when considering critical moments he went through their relationship.

JK Wedding Entrance Dance

Our wedding entrance dance to Forever...yeah, forever.

realgr-INTENSITY IN OLD garrison headquarters

Coach chokes referee and linesman hit by a stone in Brazil (Internacional v São Defende)

The final of the Copa Sul dos Campeões, an amateur competition in Criciúma, Brazil, was mayhem. Internacional faced São Defende in the showpiece at the weekend, and, after Inter took an early lead, a collision of players on the edge of their box resulted with São Defende replying with their fists. A São player boxed an opponent to the deck and referee Edésio Weber was forced to issue his first red card of the day. But then ref Weber became his own worst enemy as he sent off Internacional's victim of the attack also. Cue craziness. Incensed at their teammates' dismissal, Inter's team hunted the ref down like a pack of wolves. The official managed to shimmy away to safety with the aid of his linesmen, but moments later he was gasping for air as, unbelievably, Inter's coach choked him. Somewhat incredibly, the match continued. That was until a stone thrown from the crowd flattened a linesman for several minutes, during which time he received a soda shower from another furious supporter. At the end, Internacional won the final 3-0, and according to local reports there were no complaints received by the police for violence at the game. The teams have, however, agreed to come together to pay for a damaged fence.

'Frankenfish' Terrorises Waterways of New York

Invasive predator fish that can live out of water for days to be hunted in Central Park. Predatory 'Frankenfish' that looks like a snake and can live out of water for days terrorises NY. A toothy predator fish nicknamed Frankenfish is lurking in the lakes of Central Park, conservation workers believe. Officials are set to survey one particular lake this week, searching for the northern snakehead fish that they say threatens to disrupt the ecosystem in Manhattan's premier ponds. The fish, native to China, Russia and Korea, has been spotted in Queens and in Harlem in recent years. It preys on frogs and crayfish and is able to breathe air and live for days out of water in certain conditions. The gruesome-looking creature, which has the head of a snake and the body of a fish, is so disruptive that the state prohibits possession, sale and transport of the live fish and its eggs, according to NBC News. Department of Environmental Conservation has erected signs around the Harlem Meer warning anglers who snag one of the unappealing fish not to throw it back but to hand it over. 'Secure the fish' and 'keep it in a secure container until it is picked up by officials,' the sign instructs. And if park officials cannot be found, fishing enthusiasts are urged to call 311 and report their snakehead fish catch. '(The sign) is just to let people know that this fish is in there, if you find it please do not return it to the water and it also helps people become aware that there are things in the water that should not be there,' Melissa Cohen, Department of Environmental Conservation fisheries manager, told NBC News. 'It's a top predator so it eats other fish and alot of other things and it also produces a lot of eggs.' None of the creatures turned up in surveys in 2009 and 2011 but the conservation department is testing again tomorrow. 'Hopefully we won't find any,' Cohen said. Harlem Meer, a man-made lake, is located between 106th and 110th streets in Central Park's northeast corner. Despite it's appearance, the fish reportedly graced the menu at Manhattan's Gramercy Tavern restaurant late last year.

Franck Ribery Gives his Jersey to Fan when security reject him out - Barcelona 0-3 Bayern München

The mystery inside every LCD screen

The mystery inside every LCD screen from Humans Invent on Vimeo.

That LCD TV in your lounge holds a secret no scientist has yet unravelled. Its very construction continues to confound modern physics, because of an anomaly in its design. At the heart of LCD technology lies an effect that kicks your widescreen into life but even today, is not fully understood.

What Welshmen do when they're bored

"We took to the hills of Wales armed to the teeth with sheep, LEDs and a camera, to create a huge amazing LED display. Of sorts" Copyright to the video makers, I own nothing. (c) BaaaStuds

Boston Bomber Suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev loving relationship with his niece

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