Just 4 Laugh

A spate of car bombs in northern Iraq have killed at least 7 people and wounded some 80 others. One of the attacks which happened in the country's northern city of Kirkuk was captured on camera. Two car bombs were aimed at police patrols while a third device exploded outside a building that houses the Kurdish security forces. No group has so far claimed responsibility.
This 3D patient education medical animation depicts various surgical procedures to remove breast cancer lumps and tumors. The surgeries include lumpectomy, simple mastectomy, modified radical mastectomy, and radical mastectomy surgery.

A yet unnamed 11-year-old girl from Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh City has been making headlines in Asia, for her alleged uncontrollable power to set things around her on fire.
According to Vietnamese website Ngoisao, on May 12, a young girl living in the Tan Binh district of Ho Chi Minh has burned down almost the entire third floor of her family’s home. Her father says the child did not have access to any fire-inducing objects, and that the fire was caused by the super-energy in her body. How many times have we heard that one before, right? But while that may sound like the exaggerations of a parent looking for media attention, this is apparently not the first time this Vietnamese girl has caused things to burst into fire just by going near them.

Njerez qe pretendojne te kene fuqi mbinatyrore ne bote jane te shumte. Edhe studiues te ketyre njerezve apo ketyre fuqive mbinatyrore ka mjaftueshem.
Megjithate shume shpesh keto fuqi nuk merren seriozisht nga njerezit dhe shumica e popullsise ne bote jane skeptike dhe mendojne qe ka dicka te fshehur, qe nuk ekzistojne fuqite mbinatyrore por ato jane si nje truk magjik, qe thjesht duhet te zbulohet e verteta, apo edhe nese nuk jane mashtrime, atehere per gjithcka pretendojne qe do te kete nje shpjegim te arsyeshem shkencor dhe pa asgje paranormale brenda.
Per te balancuar anen e skeptikeve, ka edhe shume njerez te tjere qe i marrin jashtezakonisht seriozisht ngjarjet dhe aftesite mbinatyrore. Madje, ne Vietnam ka edhe nje qender kerkimi ne lidhje me keto.
Diku ne qytetin Ho Chi Minh, nje ekip me investigatore paranormale eshte tani duke u munduar te verifikoje dhe te zbuloje shkaqet se si nje vajze e vogel 11 vjecare mund te ndeze ne flake objektet me aurolen e saj.
Everyone's seen it - A gigantic mass of starlings undulate in the sky back a forth in a hypnotic dance. But the starlings don't do this for our benefit. So why do they? Go behind the funny, behind the strange and behind the viral in this episode of Science on the Web.
EMILY Marsh, 13, hasn't been able to stop hiccupping - and it even happens when she is asleep